Donut (also known as doughnut) chart, just like pie chart is used to show numerical proportions – parts to whole.
Example of a donut chart
Donut chart best practices
Do not use donut chart for dimensions with more than three categories.
Avoid donut chart if goal is to help user make fine distinctions.
Always label the chart clearly
Provide additional details on the tooltips
Using Superstores data set pre-packaged with Tableau app. I will show you how to create a donut chart to visualize Profit for different product Segments.
Doughnut chart is simply a pie chart with a hole inside, and the technique behind this chart in Tableau is creating a dual Pie chart and then using color/size tricks to create one.
Step by step guide on how to create a donut chart in Tableau
Create a calculated field named 'Measure holder' as shown below.
Drag the above calculated field to the Columns shelf.
Choose Pie under marks card.
Hold down control key and drag SUM(Measure holder) to the Columns shelf next to itself (duplicate the view).
See the resulting chart.
Making the Pie Charts dual.
Executing above we've.
Synchronize the axis.
Format the view to eliminate lines, zero axis and hide the header 'Measure holder'.
Chose the First Pie, and,..
Drag the measure field Profit to the Angle shelf under marks card.
Drag dimension field Segment to the Color shelf under the marks card.
Choose the Second Pie, and,..
Resize the Second Pie by minimizing its Size.
Change the color from default to White' (this color should always match the background color of your view)
Changing the color of the second Pie (circle).
And there we've our doughnut chart, lets do some formatting and labeling on our chart.
This can be achieved by;
Dragging the dimension field Segment and the measure field Profit to the Label shelf of the first Pie (circle).
From the resulting doughnut chart, it's clear the Consumer segment is the most profitable and Home Office segment is the least profitable.
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