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Writer's pictureBernard Kilonzo

Combine Data in R: Append Data

combine data by appending in R


Append data is the process of combining datasets that have the same variables (columns) but different observations (rows) by stacking them.

To combine datasets in R by appending (or stacking) them, you can use the rbind() function from base R or the bind_rows() function from the dplyr package.

Appending data in R can be summarized by the following view.

appending data in R

(By appending the data, the three tables can be unified into a single table – simplifying data analysis process)

Note: To append data – both the data frames MUST have the same number of columns and matching column names; otherwise, R will return an error.

Here’s a detailed explanation on how to append data using both the base R and dplyr package.

Loading the data

In this case, I am going to load the three worksheets from the excel workbook “Yearly Sales Data”.

sample dataset

(Note, the three tables have the same structure – same number of columns with matched column names)

But before that, lets set the working directory and load the necessary libraries.

loading necessary libraries and reading files in R

Append data using rbind() function from base R

The basic syntax for appending data using the rbind() function is.

combined_data <- rbind( Data1, Data2)

Using this function, you can append the dataset in our case as follows.

appending data using rbind() function from base R

(Note, using the function unique() to view the unique values of the column “Year” from the resulting table – returns 2017, 2018, & 2019 meaning the data from the three tables has been stacked together as needed).

Append data using bind_rows() function from the dplyr package

Assuming that you’ve already loaded the dplyr package.

You can append data using the following syntax.

Combined_data<- bind_rows(data_1, data_2)

Using dataset above, this could be accomplished as follows.

appending data using bind_rows() function from dplyr


Both methods are effective for appending datasets in R. Use rbind() when you are sure that both datasets match in structure. Opt for bind_rows() when dealing with datasets that may have differing structures or when you want to keep track of their origins

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