The FIND function
FIND (String, Sub-string, Start)
This function returns the index position of a ‘sub-string’ in a ‘string’, or 0 (zero) if the ‘sub-string’ isn’t found. If the optional argument ‘Start’ is added, the function ignores any instances of ‘sub-string’ that appear before the index position ‘Start’. Note, the first character in a string is position 1.
For example.
FIND (“Dashboards”, “a”) = 2
FIND (“Dashboards”, ”a” ,5) = 7
FIND (“Dashboards”, “axed”) = 0
FIND (“Dashboards”, “a”, 2) = 2
FIND (“Dashboards”, “ash”) = 2
Use case of FIND function in Tableau
One of the use cases of FIND function is when extracting the domain name from an email address.
For example, extracting the domain part of this email “xyz@rigordatasolutions.com” using the following calculation.
MID (“xyz@rigordatasolutions.com”, FIND (“xyz@rigordatasolutions.com”, “@”)+1) =”rigordatasolutions.com”
The FINDNTH function
FINDNTH (String, Sub-string, Occurrence)
This function returns the position of nth occurrence of sub-string within the specified string. Where n is defined by the occurrence argument.
Note, FINDNTH function is not available in all data sources.
For example.
FINDNTH (“Dashboards”, “a”, 2) = 7
FINDNTH (“Dashboards”, “s”, 2) = 10
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